

seo靠我 2023-09-24 22:14:43

转自 http://blog.csdn.net/liuxiaoheng1992/article/details/54409711



ctrl+alt+t 打开终端


sudo aptSEO靠我-get install terminator11



Ctrl+Shift+OSEO靠我Split terminals Horizontally.(上下开新窗口) Ctrl+Shift+ESplit terminals Vertically.(垂直开新窗口) SEO靠我 Ctrl+Shift+RightMove parent dragbar Right.(放大当前窗口 向右) Ctrl+Shift+LeftMove parent dragbar LSEO靠我eft. Ctrl+Shift+UpMove parent dragbar Up. Ctrl+Shift+DownMove parent dragbar Down. SEO靠我 Ctrl+Shift+WClose the current terminal. Alt+UpMove to the terminal above the current SEO靠我one.(切换当前窗口) Alt+DownMove to the terminal below the current one. Alt+LeftMove to theSEO靠我 terminal left of the current one. Alt+RightMove to the terminal right of the current one. SEO靠我 Ctrl+Shift+SHide/Show Scrollbar.(隐藏滚动条) Ctrl+Shift+FSearch within terminal scrollbackSEO靠我 Ctrl+Shift+N or Ctrl+TabMove to next terminal within the same tab, use Ctrl+PageDown to movSEO靠我e to the next tab. If cycle_term_tab is False, cycle within the same tab will be disabled CtSEO靠我rl+Shift+P or Ctrl+Shift+TabMove to previous terminal within the same tab, use Ctrl+PageUp to move tSEO靠我o the previous tab. If cycle_term_tab is False, cycle within the same tab will be disabled CSEO靠我trl+Shift+CCopy selected text to clipboard Ctrl+Shift+VPaste clipboard text Ctrl+ShiSEO靠我ft+QQuits Terminator Ctrl+Shift+X (最大化当前窗口)Toggle between showing all terminals and only shoSEO靠我wing the current one (maximise). Ctrl+Shift+ZToggle between showing all terminals and only sSEO靠我howing a scaled version of the current one (zoom). Ctrl+Shift+TOpen new tab Ctrl+ShiSEO靠我ft+Alt+TOpen new tab at root level, if using extreme_tabs. Ctrl+PageDownMove to next Tab SEO靠我 Ctrl+PageUpMove to previous Tab Ctrl+Shift+PageDownSwap tab position with next Tab SEO靠我 Ctrl+Shift+PageUpSwap tab position with previous Tab Ctrl+Shift+FOpen buffer search bar SEO靠我to find substrings in the scrollback buffer. Hit Escape to cancel. Ctrl+Plus (+)Increase fonSEO靠我t size. Note: this may require you to press shift, depending on your keyboard Ctrl+Minus (-)SEO靠我Decrease font size. Note: this may require you to press shift, depending on your keyboard CtSEO靠我rl+Zero (0)Restore font size to original setting. F11Toggle fullscreen(放大当前窗口) Ctrl+SEO靠我Shift+RReset terminal state Ctrl+Shift+GReset terminal state and clear window123456789101112SEO靠我1314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162SEO靠我6364656612345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505SEO靠我1525354555657585960616263646566


cd ~/.config/terminator/ sudo vim cSEO靠我onfig1212

如果报错,Unable to open ~/.config/terminator/config ,解决方法: 




[global_config]title_transmit_bg_color = "#d30102"focus = systemsuppress_multiple_term_dialog =SEO靠我 True[keybindings][profiles][[default]]palette = "#2d2d2d:#f2777a:#99cc99:#ffcc66:#6699cc:#cc99cc:#6SEO靠我6cccc:#d3d0c8:#747369:#f2777a:#99cc99:#ffcc66:#6699cc:#cc99cc:#66cccc:#f2f0ec"background_color = "#2SEO靠我D2D2D" # 背景颜色background_image = None   background_darkness = 0.85 cursor_color = "#2D2D2D" # 光标颜色curSEO靠我sor_blink = True # 光标是否闪烁foreground_color = "#EEE9E9" # 文字的颜色use_system_font = False # 是否启用系统字体font SEO靠我= Ubuntu Mono 13  # 字体设置,后面的数字表示字体大小copy_on_selection = True # 选择文本时同时将数据拷贝到剪切板中show_titlebar = FalsSEO靠我e # 不显示标题栏,也就是 terminator 中那个默认的红色的标题栏[layouts][[default]][[[child1]]]type = Terminalparent = windowSEO靠我0profile = default[[[window0]]]type = Windowparent = ""[plugins]123456789101112131415161718192021222SEO靠我31234567891011121314151617181920212223




sudo apt-get install teSEO靠我rminator11


sudo apt-get install dconf-tools11


gsettings set orSEO靠我g.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec /usr/bin/terminator gsettings set orgSEO靠我.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec-arg "-x"

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